07 September 2017
Electronex 2017 @ Melbourne
Electronex 2016 SMCBA Conference

Hear from Industry Experts at Free Seminars

A series of free seminar sessions will be held to keep you up to date with the latest hot topics and developments in the electronics industry.

The sessions run for 30 - 40 minutes and the seminar theatre is located in the exhibition hall. Bookings are not required and you can plan your visit to the expo around the sessions you want to attend. Topics include:

  • Development of the World's Smartest Electric Guitar - Case Study
  • The Internet of Things (IoT)
  • The Product Development Process and How PCB Design fits in
  • Low Pressure Moulding – Electronics Encapsulation
  • Developing an ESD Plan and Audit Program


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 See New Releases and New Technology at Electronex! 

Many of the exhibitors will be releasing and demonstrating latest product releases at the show!This is your perfect opportunity to keep up to date with what is new in your industry and to talk first hand to the industry suppliers. 

Visit the website: www.electronex.com.au to see some of the new releases


for further info: Electronics Expo
